Survival and Basic Badass Podcast

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Can You Really Live Off Grid
February 10, 202500:38:02

Can You Really Live Off Grid

Living off the grid has never been more appealing! Imagine waking up every morning, surrounded by nature, with the freedom to do as you please, without relying on anyone else. In this video, we'll explore the possibilities of living off the grid, without depending on public utilities, governments, o...

Rabbits and Gasoline (Classic Episode)
February 04, 202500:40:02

Rabbits and Gasoline (Classic Episode)

I thought we revisit an favorite lost in the archives Rabbits and Gasoline (Classic Episode) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How to Survive California Wildfires
January 26, 202500:42:04

How to Survive California Wildfires

As California wildfire season approaches, it's essential to have a plan in place to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you. In this video, we'll take you through the essential steps to survive California wildfires, from creating a fire safety plan to assembling a survival gear kit. Le...

What People Are Saying

Apple Podcasts
Great stuff

Good information I’ve been a prepped way before I found this podcast but I’ve learned so much n the last 2 yrs from chuck n Kevin

Apple Podcasts

Pretty much everything you hear on the Podcast is Googleable. Its the entertaining conversations these guys have that keeps me coming back for more.

Apple Podcasts
Love the Guy Fawkes Day Episode

“Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God and Christ” -Benjamin Franklin

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