The first question I always get is, what is an emp? It is a electromagnetic pulse, basically temporary electromagnetic signals that can disrupt, degrade, and damage electronics and critical infrastructure across large areas. An emp can be man made caused by a nuclear explosion, or nature made caused by solar storms.
This blast sends out 3 distinct pulses of voltage/current.
The E1 pulse is caused by the gamma rays released during the nuclear reaction. The Gamma rays interact with the electrons and the nucleus of the atoms that make up the atmosphere, and this interaction results in freeing electrons from their atoms. The free electrons ionize the atmosphere (ionization results in electron flow), which can be seen as the flow of electricity through anything that acts as an antenna.
The E-2 pulse starts at 1 microsecond and continues until approximately 1 second after the detonation. The E-2 pulse is caused by the inelastic scattering (matter bouncing off other matter) of the matter from the nuclear weapon interacting with the matter that makes up the atmosphere continuing to ionize the atmosphere.
The E-3 pulse starts at approximately 1 second after the detonation and can continue for several minutes. The E-3 pulse is caused by the nuclear detonation distorting the earth’s geomagnetic structure, and then its reconfiguration. As the magnetic lines are pushed out of configuration and then come back into normal configuration, electricity is generated, and flows through the atmosphere until it contacts an antenna (wires).
So what can you do about it? I think it comes down to the basics of prepping. You need security, water, food, and shelter. You need to get home, which means you need to live through that journey. This requires you keep a get home bag in your vehicle. After you find a way to get home to your family you need to protect your family. Basically, you need to secure your home and property. You will need to be trainedand have the weapons to defend it.
Next you need a clean water source. Municiple water and gas will disappear soon after an emp. You will need to have stored water have a way to filter a nearby water source or you have a well and a means to get the water out without traditional electricity. Next, you will have to feed your family. this will also require planning and preparation on your part. This is why we plan for long term food storage.